3 Major Mistakes Buyers Make

Buyers keep making the same mistakes over and over. Here are three things you should avoid doing if you’re in the market to buy a home.

Buyers tend to all make the same major mistakes when going through the home buying process. Here are the three biggest mistakes they make and how you can avoid making them yourself.

1. Refusing to confide in a trusted advisor. An agent is similar to an attorney in this transaction. They are representing you and acting on your behalf and in your best interest. They have a fiduciary obligation to you but many times, buyers withhold information from them because they are fearful of how they will be perceived, they believe they have all the answers, and they don’t believe the buyer’s agent is important. We often see buyers jumping around to work with different agents when looking at different properties, but we think it’s a better idea to find one agent you trust from the beginning and stick with them.

2. Altering their financial picture. Going out and making a big purchase before the close of escrow is a huge mistake. When you go out and purchase appliances or furniture on credit, it alters your debt-to-income ratio and could affect your FICO score as well. This could cause you to miss out on the home. Wait until the home closes to make these kinds of purchases.
3. Buying the wrong home. A lot of buyers don’t take the time to make a list of the things that are most important to them in a home. These could be things like the home’s proximity to your daycare or office, or what the neighborhood is like. It’s important to make that list beforehand so you can share it with your buyer’s agent and they can do their due diligence in ensuring the home you’re buying is everything you want it to be.

I hope this answers some of your questions.

I hope this answers some of your questions about buying a home. If you have any questions, give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.